SystemVerilog Language - Testbench

Comprehensive Guide to SystemVerilog Testbench Development and Verification

This course provides an in-depth journey into SystemVerilog, focusing on testbench creation for digital design verification. Ideal for both beginners and intermediate users, the course covers essential topics like data types, randomization, functional coverage, and object-oriented programming. With practical examples and hands-on coding exercises, you'll learn to build efficient, scalable testbenches suited for complex projects. By the end of this course, you'll have a strong foundation in SystemVerilog's verification features, enabling you to develop robust test environments for digital designs.


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Created by EDA Academy


Last updated Nov 2024

SystemVerilog Language - Testbench


USD $99.9

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After this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the scope, purpose, and features of SV
  • Explore data types, packages, and constraints for effective coding
  • Recognize and apply the enhancements to tasks and functions in SV
  • Investigate SV interfaces for simplified design communication and code reuse
  • Identify key features of dynamic, associative arrays, and queues
  • Create and manage class-based test environments with SV OOP features
  • Generate effective stimulus data with SV’s class-based randomization
  • Apply SV covergroup binning for enhanced functional coverage and analysis
  • Acquire knowledge of process interaction synchronization methods

This course includes:

  • 9 Modules 37 Lectures
  • 5.8 hours on-demand video
  • 134 Quiz
  • Certificate of completion
  • Access on mobile and computer
  • Ongoing support from EDA Academy
  • Further learning plan

Course Content (Preview)

Module 0: About this Course (Preview)
✓ SystemVerilog Language - Verification (Preview)
✓ About this Course (Preview)
✓ Course Objectives (Preview)
✓ Course Agenda (Preview)
Module 1: Introduction to SystemVerilog

✓ Comprehensive Evolution of Verilog to SystemVerilog Standards

  • Evolution of Verilog and SystemVerilog
  • Original Verilog
  • Verilog vs. VHDL Development
  • Verilog-95 and Verilog-2001
  • SystemVerilog extensions to Verilog
  • SystemVerilog Replaces Verilog

✓ Data Type, Building Blocks, Features, and Interfaces in SystemVerilog

  • Simplified and Synthesizable RTL Design
  • Data Type Enhancements in SystemVerilog
  • Key Building Blocks of SystemVerilog Verification
  • Key Features of SystemVerilog Verification
  • Simplifying Design with Interfaces

✓ Randomization, Functional Coverage, Assertions, and DPI in SystemVerilog

  • Randomization in SystemVerilog
  • Functional Coverage in SystemVerilog
  • Assertions in SystemVerilog
  • Direct Programming Interface in SystemVerilog"
Module 2: Data Types, Literals, and Packaging

✓ Data Types

  • Logic Type as a Replacement for Verilog reg
  • Data Types in SystemVerilog
  • 2-State and 4-State Value Objects
  • User-Defined Types with typedef
  • Enumeration Data Types

✓ Structures, Strings, and Timing Control

  • SystemVerilog Structures
  • Packed Structures
  • SystemVerilog Strings
  • String Operators
  • SystemVerilog Time Literals
  • Using Time Units in Assignments

✓ Packages, and Constraint Blocks

  • SystemVerilog Packages
  • Explicit and Wildcard Imports
  • Ambiguity and Resolved Names
  • Import Placement
  • Randomizing Scope Variables
  • Defining Constraint Blocks
  • Random Weighted Case: randcase
Module 3: Tasks and Functions

✓ Tasks and Functions, Subroutine Types, and Code Readability

  • Verilog-2001 Tasks and Functions
  • Static vs Automatic Subroutines
  • SystemVerilog Optional begin/end and Named Ends

✓ Void Functions, Function Outputs, and Return in Subroutine

  • Void Functions
  • Function Output Arguments
  • Subroutine Exit with Return

✓ Default Arguments, Named Binding, and Optional Argument

  • Default Argument Handling
  • Argument Binding by Name
  • Optional Argument Usage

✓ Argument Passing by Value, Reference, and Side-Effect

  • Argument Passing by Value
  • Variable Access by Side-Effect
  • Argument Passing by Reference
  • Working with Reference Arguments
Module 4: Interface

✓ Benefits and Capabilities of Interfaces

  • SystemVerilog Interfaces
  • SystemVerilog Interface Basics

✓ Simple interfaces

  • Simplifying Connections with Interfaces
  • Challenges of Bus Connections Without Interfaces
  • Bus Connections Using Interfaces

✓ Interface Ports and Parameterized Interfaces

  • Interface Port Mapping Rules
  • Accessing Interface Ports
  • Accessing Interface Instances
  • Define Interface Ports
  • Interface Port Applications
  • Interface Parameterization

✓ Modports

  • Modports in Interfaces
  • Modport Selection in Module Declaration
  • Modport Selection in Module Instantiation

✓ Define Interface Methods

  • Shared Interface Tasks
  • Interface Methods
  • Modport Interface Methods
  • Using Generic Interfaces
Module 5: Queues, Dynamic Arrays, and Associative Arrays

✓ Packed and Unpacked Arrays

  • Packed vs. Unpacked Arrays
  • Understanding Unpacked Arrays
  • Packed Array Fundamentals

✓ Dynamic Arrays

  • Dynamic Arrays
  • Dynamic Array Example

✓ Associative Arrays

  • Associative Arrays
  • Associative Array Methods
  • Associative Array Lookup Table I
  • Associative Array Lookup Table II

✓ Queues

  • Queues
  • Queue Methods
  • Queue Methods Example

✓ Array Manipulation Methods

  • Array Manipulation Methods
  • Array Locator Methods
  • Comparison of Array Operations
Module 6: Classes

✓ Classes and Object-Oriented Concepts

  • Class Overview in SystemVerilog
  • Variables of the Class Type
  • Class Handles and Memory Safety
  • Class Properties and Methods

✓ Class Constructor and Class Example

  • External Method Declaration
  • Class Constructor
  • Example: Class Definition and Instantiation

✓ Static Properties and Methods, and Class Composition

  • Static Properties
  • Static Methods
  • Current Object Handle: this
  • Class Properties as Class Instances

✓ Aggregation and Inheritance

  • Aggregation vs. Inheritance
  • Example: Simple Inheritance
  • Example: Inheritance and Constructors
  • Multi-Layer Inheritance

✓ Data Encapsulation and Class Parameters

  • Data Encapsulation in Classes
  • Class Parameters
Module 7: Class-Based Random Stimulus

✓ Randomization of Class Properties

  • Random Class Properties
  • Randomizing Class Objects: randomize()
  • pre_randomize() and post_randomize()
  • Randomization in Aggregate Classes

✓ In-Line Control, and Constraint Blocks

  • In-Line Random Variable Control
  • Controlling Randomization: rand_mode()
  • Example: rand_mode()
  • Constraint Blocks
  • Constraint Block Inheritance

✓ Constraint Expressions

  • Constraint Expressions: Set Membership
  • Constraint Expressions: Weighted Distributions
  • Constraint Expressions: Conditional Constraints
  • Constraint Expressions: Iterative Constraints

✓ Controlling Constraints, Randomization Procedure, and Setting Seeds

  • Controlling Constraints: constraint_mode()
  • Example: Application of constraint_mode()
  • Randomization Procedure
  • Randomization Ordering and Solution Probability
  • Setting the Random Seed: srandom()
Module 8: Covergroup Coverage

✓ Functional Coverage

  • Structural and Functional Coverage
  • Types of Functional Coverage
  • Data-Oriented Functional Coverage
  • Defining a Coverage Model

✓ Automatic and User Defined Bins

  • Automatic Coverage Bins
  • Defining Explicit Bins
  • Explicit Scalar and Vector Bins
  • Example: Explicit Scalar and Vector Bins
  • Counting Bins in a Covergroup

✓ Cross Products

  • Cross Coverage
  • Automatic Cross Bins Example
  • Explicit Cross Bins and Selections
  • Ignored and Illegal Cross Bins
  • Defining Easier Cover Cross Bins

✓ Coverage Options

  • Class-Based Coverage Model
  • Tracking Transitions in Coverage
  • Specify Coverage Options
  • Reference: Type-Specific type_option Fields
  • Reference: Instance-Specific option Fields
  • Reference: Covergroup Methods
Module 9: Interprocess Synchronization

✓ Event Trigger, and Event Sequencing

  • Blocking Event Trigger
  • Nonblocking Event Trigger
  • Persistent Event Trigger: triggered
  • Event Sequencing: wait_order

✓ Mailboxes

  • Mailboxes
  • Mailbox Methods
  • Process Synchronization with a Mailbox
  • Typeless Mailbox
  • Mailbox Parameters

✓ Semaphores

  • Semaphores
  • Semaphore Methods
  • Semaphore-Based Process Synchronization

✓ Event Variables, Merging Events, and Reclaiming Events

  • Event Variables
  • Merging Events
  • Reclaiming Events


To maximize the benefits of this course, a foundational knowledge of digital design concepts and some familiarity with Verilog or related hardware description languages are recommended. Basic experience in logic design and programming will facilitate your understanding of SystemVerilog’s powerful verification capabilities. Although the course introduces SystemVerilog’s unique features, prior exposure to digital testing concepts like assertions and testbenches will be beneficial for grasping how SystemVerilog enhances verification efficiency. This course is well-suited for engineers and students aiming to advance their digital verification skills, particularly in building scalable, reusable, and flexible test environments. To get the most out of this course, it’s recommended that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of Verilog or any HDL
  • Understanding of logic design fundamentals, including combinational and sequential logic.
  • Exposure to simulation processes and debugging tools.
  • Familiarity with digital circuit testing strategies, including testbench basics.
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts, especially for test environment structuring.

Who this course is for

  • Engineers aiming to enhance their verification skills
  • Students learning digital design and verification
  • Digital designers needing testbench development knowledge
  • Verification engineers transitioning to SystemVerilog
  • FPGA designers looking to improve verification skills
  • Hardware engineers new to SystemVerilog
  • Professionals upgrading from Verilog to SystemVerilog
  • Computer engineering students interested in verification
  • Digital IC designers focusing on testbench creation
  • ASIC designers seeking testbench expertise"


This course is designed for anyone looking to build a strong foundation in SystemVerilog, specifically tailored for testbench development in verification. Whether you are new to SystemVerilog or looking to deepen your skills, this course offers a comprehensive approach to mastering the essential components for building testbenches. It covers critical topics like data types, interprocess synchronization, functional coverage, and object-oriented programming, each designed to give you practical knowledge to use in real-world applications. You'll also learn best practices for using advanced SystemVerilog features such as randomization, classes, covergroups, and more, all crucial for building efficient, scalable test environments. By the end of this course, you’ll have a well-rounded understanding of SystemVerilog’s testbench features and be ready to implement them effectively in your projects.

This course is structured to offer a deep understanding of SystemVerilog for building verification testbenches. It begins with an introduction to the language, focusing on its scope, purpose, and core features, with a comparison of how it builds upon Verilog. By examining SystemVerilog’s powerful extensions for verification and design, this module sets the foundation for understanding why SystemVerilog is critical in modern digital design verification, especially in handling complex data types and interactions between design components.

The curriculum moves into advanced SystemVerilog constructs, including data types, arrays, and packages, essential for organized, modular coding. You will explore interfaces for simplified communication between components, tasks and functions for encapsulating reusable code, and classes for creating object-oriented test environments. These modules are designed to give you both the theory and practical coding experience necessary to create scalable and maintainable testbenches in SystemVerilog.

Finally, this course covers essential verification methods like functional coverage, random stimulus generation, and interprocess synchronization. You'll learn how to define test scenarios with covergroups, set up random stimulus with constraints, and use mailboxes and semaphores to synchronize test operations. Each topic is supported by practical examples, ensuring you gain hands-on experience. With these skills, you will be well-prepared to build robust, high-quality testbenches for complex digital designs.

Learning Objectives

  • You will explore the evolution of Verilog and how SystemVerilog has expanded on its capabilities. You will learn about the key differences between Verilog and SystemVerilog, including new data types, enhanced design flexibility, and advanced verification techniques. The course also covers how SystemVerilog introduces powerful tools for verification, such as assertions, randomization, and functional coverage, to simplify and improve the design process. You should be familiar with the extensions introduced by SystemVerilog, its added features for both designers and verification engineers, and how these tools can be integrated into your design flow.
  • Understand how to describe and apply both built-in and user-defined data types in SystemVerilog. Learn to utilize typedef and enum for custom data definitions and to effectively use structures and strings within designs. Gain familiarity with SystemVerilog packages to organize and encapsulate code, making reuse easier and avoiding conflicts through namespaces. Develop the ability to define and use constraint blocks, which add flexibility by allowing scope randomization. Recognize how these elements work together to enable more organized, modular, and efficient SystemVerilog code.
  • Describe and utilize the enhancements made to tasks and functions in SystemVerilog. This includes understanding the new optional begin…end block for better readability and flexibility in defining subroutines. The ability for functions to have output and inout arguments expands their usability, allowing for more complex data interactions. Furthermore, functions can now return the void data type, which provides the option to have functions that perform actions without needing to return a specific value. It is important to note that both tasks and functions can return early before reaching their completion, making code execution more efficient. Default parameter values simplify function calls by allowing for optional parameters, and binding arguments by name offers clarity in complex function calls. Additionally, being able to pass arguments by reference or by value provides versatility in how data is handled within tasks and functions. Mastering these enhancements will significantly improve the ability to create more effective and flexible designs in SystemVerilog.
  • Investigate the benefits and capabilities of SystemVerilog interfaces by understanding their role in simplifying design block communication. You will explore how interfaces allow multiple signals to be represented as a single port, reducing code verbosity and promoting code reuse. By learning the importance of generic and parameterized interfaces, you can raise the level of design abstraction, where all declarations are in a single location, making the design more readable and manageable. Interfaces also support encapsulation through tasks and functions, allowing you to define inter-module communication protocols within the interface. For example, you could implement a “Bus Read” task that executes inside the interface. Additionally, you will learn about modports, which allow different views of an interface, enabling the definition of distinct roles such as “master” and “slave” views for a bus with shared signals but differing port declarations and restricted capabilities.
  • Understand the fundamentals of SystemVerilog array types, including packed and unpacked arrays, and learn their different applications. Distinguish between static and dynamic arrays, identifying how dynamic arrays allow for flexible sizing. Learn how associative arrays store elements with unique keys, making data retrieval more efficient. Recognize the advantages of queues for dynamic data storage, and explore the various methods available for array and queue manipulation. Gain an understanding of locator methods and how they can simplify the process of finding and managing data within arrays.
  • Learn how to use SystemVerilog’s Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) features to create classes that enhance the flexibility and structure of test environments. Gain skills in defining properties and methods for data manipulation, and in using constructors to initialize objects during simulation. Understand the benefits of encapsulation to protect data, as well as inheritance and polymorphism to create reusable, layered data types. These features allow you to dynamically create and destroy objects, making your testbench more versatile and maintainable. Additionally, explore how static properties and methods enable shared data access across instances, enhancing test efficiency and code organization.
  • Learn to use randomization to control class properties, which enables generating complex and diverse test stimuli efficiently. Apply pre- and post-randomize methods to manage specific steps before and after randomization to produce tailored stimuli for different testing needs. Adjust constraints on properties to create valid and targeted data within defined boundaries. Switch easily between different constraint settings to control random generation based on test requirements. Understand how to set random seeds to reproduce results consistently, allowing repeatable testing scenarios. Through these skills, create more dynamic and comprehensive stimulus patterns that help cover corner cases and improve test coverage.
  • Learn to implement data-oriented functional coverage using SystemVerilog covergroups, which enables defining what variables and events to sample. Set up coverage bins that count specific values and transitions, either automatically or explicitly. Use scalar and vector bins to monitor individual or combined value coverage, and define ignore_bins and illegal_bins to focus on valid cases. Understand cross-product coverage, including automatic and user-defined cross bins, to analyze interactions between different coverpoints. Gain control over the behavior of covergroups, coverpoints, and cross coverage, and use SystemVerilog functions to start, stop, and monitor coverage, and manage results for targeted verification.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of SystemVerilog’s interprocess synchronization mechanisms, covering non-blocking events, event sequences, mailboxes, and semaphores in depth. Develop the ability to use non-blocking event triggers effectively to control execution flow without interrupting ongoing processes. Learn to utilize event variables and sequences to manage complex process interactions and coordinate timing accurately. Understand how mailboxes support synchronized data exchange, leveraging FIFO structures for orderly communication across processes. Further, explore the use of semaphores in managing access to shared resources, with blocking capabilities and request “weighting” mechanisms that help maintain controlled synchronization across multiple processes.

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